Labels:bulletin board | daily | encyclical | fence | poster | sky | skyscraper OCR: ian Galileo Johannes Kepler, and tr pport the Galilei started publicly fact that the Copernican theory desp match the orbits predicted did no W to the ones observed. The dea came in 1609 Aristotelian/ Ptolemaic bserving the In that vear Galileo star ich had just night sky with a telescop ed at the been invented. When hat it was planet Jupiter, Galileo satellites accompanied by several This implied moons that orbited arou orbit directly that everything did not and Ptolemy around the earth, as Aris still possible had thought. (It was of tationary at to believe that the earth that the the center of the univers tremely moons of Jupiter moved complicated paths aroun olserved Ptolemai serving year every thing univer comi plicated